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  • The Contagious Entrepreneur

    The problems in our world are becoming extremely serious and complex.

    These issues or pressing needs are evident everywhere.

    In time past, entrepreneurs has come up with the best solutions for these problems,

    And I have faith it will happen again in Africa.

    Nigeria needs more and better (social) entrepreneurs;

    A goal-getter who is readily testing ideas and products on real customers;

    The answers to any business questions is often out there...

    In the marketplace with a customer who has an unmet need.

    Solutions do not lie in a book neither with a coach or mentor;

    Although either can help you think systemically about;

    How you can produce an economically sustainable solution.

    Ignoring primary market research will not make you a better entrepreneur.

    Reach out to potential customers,

    Your iteration pattern must be continuous till;

    A perfect solution at the right price is attained.

    As business expands beyond the minimum viable product;

    You'll need to learn more about the following:

    Creating an organisation culture

    Selecting founding members

    Team building


    Product development

    Selling and sales strategy

    Serving the customer and the processes

    Building financials and managing cash flow

    Raising funds to grow the business

    Using good corporate governance practices and lots more

    I hope that this framework will help you get started;

    Be intelligently effective and set priorities right.

    Nuture and cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit.

    Channel your efforts to stay in business while eliminating any limitations.

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